Pennsylvania Key Issues

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Suggested Platform Planks

Read our page for caregiver platform planks.

Recommendations for Pennsylvania from the Alzheimer’s Association


  • Ensure that a statewide comprehensive central clearinghouse for family members and caregivers on treatment and risk reduction options is developed and maintained.
  • Identify and/or develop culturally and linguistically appropriate educational and training tools for families and caregivers, with the goal of ensuring that all understand the implications of Alzheimer’s and other dementias; disseminate these tools throughout the community.
  • Utilize and strengthen linkages between medical care team and informal caregivers.
  • Conduct an assessment of caregiver needs, including, but not limited to, legal and financial guidance, respite care, psychological counseling, and stress management.
  • Disseminate information about currently available web- and paper-based tools for family and long-distance caregivers.
  • Partner with organizations to develop caregiver materials that are understandable and appropriate across varied population groups.
  • Inventory and make available a listing of caregiver support groups
  • Encourage the establishment of additional caregiver support groups in geographical areas currently lacking such groups.
  • Encourage the use of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant, web-based health tracking tools that facilitate communication between informal caregivers and health care providers.
  • Explore legislation to provide financial support to caregivers.