About the FCPP

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The Family Caregiver Platform Project (FCPP) was a 2016 effort to include caregiving issues in state party political platforms across the country. We encouraged grassroots efforts to educate and motivate policymakers to improve state and federal support for family caregivers and the frail elderly Americans for whom they selflessly provide support. We reached out to individual volunteers and organizations to raise awareness of caregiving issues in the political process. You can read a full report on the results we had in 2016. There is also a published article on the project that you can read at:

Creating A Nationwide Nonpartisan Initiative for Family Caregivers in Political Party Platforms. Ben Scribner MSN, Joanne Lynn MD, Victoria Walker MD, Les Morgan, Anne Montgomery MS, Elizabeth Blair MPP, Davis Baird MSG, Barbara Goldschmidt BA, Naomi Kirschenbaum MPH. First published: 10 March 2017 https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.14814

This is an archival site that is not actively maintained. Some of the archival materials will be useful for the 2019/2020 political season as well as state political parties create their party platforms. It doesn’t matter which party you belong to! As a nonpartisan effort, we care about the issues, not the parties themselves.

There are many kinds of families and community needs. Recognizing diversity is important to all of us. We use ‘family’ to mean all those who are bound to the person who is ill or disabled by friendship, relationship, or law. There are also many ways to improve the lives of caregivers. Options for action vary by state and community.

The Family Caregiver Platform Project was supported by a grant by the Stern Family Foundation to the former Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness (now the Program to Improve Eldercare) at Altarum.

This project was also made possible through the Health and Aging Policy Fellows program, through the generous support of Atlantic Philanthropies and the John A. Hartford Foundation.

We were fortunate to have many partners and endorsers for our work.

The Family Caregiving Platform Project

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